Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Off to Oz

The weeks leading up to Blythecon Seattle have been torturous! I leave for Seattle today, and still have three days until the con itself...

But I am more excited to see my best friend and to sight see and hang out with her! I will take a lot of photos and update the blog at the very least when I return!

Thursday, July 24, 2014

365 Days of Blythe: Round 3

Three years ago I was excited but hesitant to start a 365 Days of Blythe flickr challenge. I decided to go for it. The worst that would happen would be suddenly my photos just disappear from the group and likely, no one would notice. So, I went for it, with my only Blythe doll, Cassie, in August of 2010.

The first couple of days were SO easy. I had more photo ideas than days of the week. I was excited everyday to take my photo. Annnnd, then I started to slack. Get busy, forget, think I already did one, fall behind, catch up...BUT, I did it. I completed my challenge (I think with 366 photos because I fell behind and then doubled at some point)

When I finished I didn't really know what to do. I figured I would take a break, but then I felt kind of down...I wasn't taking as many photos or enjoying my dolls as much, so I started another 365 at the beginning of 2013. I had a spunky little bobbed Kozy named Pocket, and I felt like she would be fun to take a photo a day for a year. I started on January 1, which made keeping track of the days a bit easier, but I still had ups and downs and catch-ups all the same.

When THAT 365 finished I wanted to go straight into another. It seemed easier to just keep taking pictures everyday. I couldn't decide on another girl, and I was afraid I would miss having Pocket with me all the time.

I have other girls that I might have considered for 365, but there are some dolls that I just won't take out with me, or take out VERY sparingly so as to protect their faces, etc. Cassie wound up with a scratch in her blush and stained legs and feet. Pocket...I don't even know. Pocket is very rough and tumble. She gets dirty, falls down, explores, and always seems fine.
Considerations for Choosing a 365 Girl
  • A Blythe you find interesting or want to know more about her personality...
  • Have or want a larger wardrobe for (taking photos everyday, you will get bored of the same outfits!)
  • A girl who can possibly "go out" with you (aka, not your super pricey prized girl that if she gets a smudge you will die. You may get bored taking photos inside but maybe not.)
Things to Remember 
  • You will fall behind. Maybe you won't, but more than likely you will. Don't let it discourage you!
  • Don't do it for the comments. If I gauged my 365s by the comments I received (or didn't) I would have dropped out long ago. Not everyone has time to upload their own photo, let alone comment on all of the daily photos. Spread as much love as you can, but don't fret if you don't get a million comments back (better to give than receive?)
  • 365 can be a great way to make new friends and contacts in Blythe. I made my very first "dolly friend" through my 365 with Cassie, along with a few others. With Pocket I met Care and Ryan and then got to actually meet them in NYC. :)
A photo from my last day at IKEA, after
working there for five years...
Pocket can't believe how much snow we got!

Doing a 365 can be a great way to chronicle your year. Not everything will be a major documentation or earth shatteringly creative photo, but when you look back, it will mean something, or remind you of something you let slip. Then there are the photos that are just funny and you look back and think, "wow, that was awesome." Most of my "that was awesome" shots came from toting Pocket with me to all sorts of outings and events. Most of them she never made it out of her carry bag... but I like to have her with, just in case a fun photo op presents itself...

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Been a long time since I rock 'n rolled...

It has been a long time since I've posted anything to this blog. A really, really, reeeeeaaaaaally long time. My last post is from a year and a half ago...oops.

Two of the biggest things to recap would be:

The arrival of a very special girl:

This is Blair, my Parco! I can't even believe that I am lucky enough to own her. When I caught a dangerous case of Parco-Fever, Blair is THE Parco that I wanted. I mean, I even messaged her owner to let her know how much I loved and coveted her.

Then one day, Blair went up for sale and I decided that she would be mine. She was meant to be mine. The thing about Blair that is (not unique, but we'll say unique) is that she was spray matted. I would NEVER have the guts to matte a Parco, so I am really pleased that I was able to get Blair who was already de-shinified!

Blair actually came with her name; I liked it a lot and I wanted to have a girl with a "B" name. Eventually I will also have a Goldie with a "D" name.
The pattern is as follows:
A - Autumn (Aztec)
B - Blair (Parco)
C - Cassie (Cass Spice)
E - Elsa (Rosie Red)
F - Fawn (Mondrian)
G - Gillian (Kozy)
H - Hana (custom ADG)

Then the odd-balls ;)
P - Pocket (Kozy II)
Y - Yula (custom PuPe)

It has been so much fun having Blair. She belonged to Taan, who always dressed her in fabulous bows and MforMonkey...

Which leads into my next highlight: Blythecon NYC!!!

It was so close to me this year; I went to 30th Street Station and took the train. The greatest part was that Nette got on the same train in the DC area and so when I got on the train I got to travel the whole way with her!

We checked into our hotel room and then headed to Central Park for the pre-meet event. It was pretty easy to spot the crowd of Blythe lovers :) I decided to bring four girls to New York and brought all four to the park: Cassie, Pocket, Gillian, and Blair.

It was fun (as always) to walk around and meet new people, see some gorgeous dolls, and socialize. The nice thing this year was that we had both made friends in Dallas that we were able to catch up with in NYC. Nette made some awesome new friends from what is now her area (and where this year's BC will be!)

I was really happy to catch up with the lovely Lauren. Like a lot of people, I love her Kozy, Plum, and was
excited to introduce her to both Gillian and Pocket. Plum was really an inspiration for my Koziness, and Lauren thought it was great that I have two that are so different. The girls looked so good together. I love this photo!

Gillian doesn't know what to think, being surrounded by such girlie girl Kozies. Haha.

After the meet we walked up to some shops and checked out the Nintendo Store, Sanrio, etc. We had a delicious sushi dinner that completed an amazingly perfect day!

The following day, Nette and I got up early. And I mean EARLY.We walked to the venue, since we figured
it wasn't that far, stopping for some coffee and breakfast along the way. We were shocked to find out that we were THE FIRST ONES to arrive! We spent about an hour just geeking out over the fact that we were the first ones there, and then others started to arrive. We wound up helping to assemble the Lucky Blythecon editions, made by the amazing Lexi! It was so much fun to help assemble, and she rewarded our efforts with some mini mags and liberty hats!

Lexi took the funniest pic of all the magazines stuck in my boot (they kept popping open, waiting to be stapled, so that was the easiest way to keep them shut!

When the doors finally opened (and I mean finally...we waiting a loooong time) We got to (of course) be the first ones in, as we were at the head of the line. We basically sprinted to the MforMonkey table and grabbed leiderhosen, eagerly. The mistake that I made? I only had my cards. No cash. In Dallas, I pulled cash and was surprised to find that everyone took cards, so I figured since cash was risky, I would just use my cards. Turns out, overseas vendors and a few others, only were equipped for cash. MforMonkey was of course, one of them. My best friend saved my butt and enabled me to buy my top wishlist item! <3 span="">

 Though I missed her at the pre-meet, I met Care of ObsessivelyStitching and was able to hang out with her and Ryan! I am so happy that Pocket and Ryan finally met! They look so cute together. I got a Star Wars dress from Care, and a LuxieLou Hello Kitty flocker. Those were my major purchases. I actually passed on Eurotrash and FreddyTan, though I LOVE this special apple-bear hat that Nette got for Sammie.

I had such a great time at Blythecon NY. It's comforting to know that Seattle is only two weeks away!